Happy 2024!

Personal Amish Farm Tour

2 Hour Tour of the Nubian Goat Farm with up close and personal interactions with all of the animals. No boundaries - No fences. You'll receive all of the feed you need. Kids get to gather the eggs in a real hen house and can hold brand new baby chicks. Once the tour is complete, our hosts will have seasonal treats for you to try.

Smores Camp Fire Finale’

This is our end of day tour that includes everything listed on the regular Farm Tour and Animal Adventure but we end the day with a cozy campfire and all the Smores you can eat. And for anyone wanting to get a real taste of farm life, join us and participate in our evening chores as the animals are fed.

Private Group Tour

Tailored for you and your group of 10 or less. Our evening sunset with our animals can be breath taking and we would love to enjoy it with you! Give us a call or send us an email with a date and time and we’ll work it out.

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